Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Typical Tuesday

So in between medieval castle visits, nude beach picnics, and beer garden sit ins life is pretty normal Monday thru Friday here in Munich, Germany.  On MainlyMaren I talk mostly about the glamorous exciting side of international living but there is also a normal side that involves the majority of my week.

A Day In the Life of Maren:

-Every morning I wake up at 5:30 a.m.to get ready for my commute into work.  This trip involves a subway filled with charcoal suits and chic sharp dressers making my brightly colored casual wear stand out like a Floridian in a Boston airport.  Much different than my past commute driving by the soccer fields and THE country club.  

-Somethings do not change...On special occasions I stop for a cappuccino from the local bakery stand although nowadays it is not a Starbucks from my high school days.  

-I then spend the next 8 hours not teaching improper fractions but rather math concepts a few steps back, like say, what a number 7 looks like.  

-The highlight of Tuesdays is always after work when my friend and I grab a drink.  Usually in winter it involves a coffee shop but with the warmer weather the drinks are now a bit more tropical (and adult like). It is great to have girl time.
 -When we finish, I spend the next hour engaging in my latest read on the commuter train back home. For the record, this is the most I have ever read in my life.  Sometimes I can't wait to get on the train just so I can get back into my book. (Nerd alert...)  

-Husband usually spoils me with a hot dinner when I arrive at home. Poor guy...at least I'm still baking.
-Then I spend the next few hours talking to Husband, playing with the dog, watching old school American T.V, or pinning an unhealthy amount of pictures online.
-10:30 is bedtime but my mind doesn't stop running until around midnight after I have realized 8 hours of sleep is not a reality. Thus causing a special occasion cappuccino in the morning.

So this is a bit of the truth about living abroad.  Somethings stay the same on either side of the ocean and others provide new experiences.  It is now 9:45 p.m. Tuesday and I hear a bubble bath calling my name.

Happy Tuna Tuesday,

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