Husband and I spent two days with my family in Denmark. Our breakfast taste buds were spoiled with the delights of ebelskivers, eggs, bacon, fruit, and their family specialty, Dragon Tail. A few years ago my cousin was twisting together dough for a cinnamon roll ring when her son exclaimed, "Wow, Mom! A Dragon Tail..." Now the name has stuck!

What I'm Reminiscing About:
Since this adventure is coming to a close, I have on graduation goggles and keep thinking about all the wonderful times we had in Europe. It feels like we just moved here... How is it possible it has really been 3 years?
What I'm Loving:
Husband and I got to spend some time in Denmark for a family picnic. Every Pentecost, a large number of my Danish relatives have a get together at a park overlooking the Baltic Sea. This year we were able to attend as well as my brother and Margo. We had an absolute blast and still can't name everyone that we met. I love seeing family on both sides of the Atlantic!
I'm 5'8. These guys are how tall?!
Friday I shared that we were in Hamburg for two days on our way to Denmark. After two days with family, Husband and I drove down to Weimar, Germany for a quick day trip. It is famous for the home of the Bauhaus art movement, visits from Martin Luther, and home to Goethe. We are now spending our last two days living in Europe back in Munich scrubbing the house until it shines!
What I'm Dreading:
Saturday morning at 5:30 a.m. we will be standing in line at the airport check-in with our pup, Shelby Dog. I am a bit worried about getting her checked onto the flight and how traumatic the flight will be on her.
What I'm Working On:
If you have followed for awhile, you know I craft. A lot.
Usually, I make wreaths and hair accessories but I was recently asked to work on a wedding garter.
Ek! I am really excited to try out a new project but man there is some pressure when it involves a bride's BIG day!
If you are ever interested in a custom piece, I would love to help you out! Just send me an email at mainlymaren(at)
What I'm Excited About:
After our flight out of Germany and into Dallas, we are meeting both of our families for Mexican food Saturday night. I am looking forward to visiting with our folks, stuffing my face from a bowl of queso, and hopefully enjoying a summer evening on the patio. (Ugh...rain?!)
What I'm Watching/Reading:
Our TV is packed inside a shipping crate most likely in a port yard somewhere along the canal in Hamburg. To keep myself entertained and sane during this transition, I'm reading all of your blogs right now!
What I'm Listening To:
Right now I am typing on my laptop in the car somewhere on the autobahn between Nurnemberg and Munich. The music selection is not the best, but is a continuous rotation of the latest songs on a local radio station. I really really really really really wish for a new song...
What I'm Wearing:
I kid you not, I am wearing a day old pair of socks. How did I miscalculate the number of pairs of socks I would need on this road trip? Oh that's right, I planned on flip flops...but Converse won out again.
What I'm Doing This Weekend:
This weekend, my lifelong dream of living abroad is coming to a close. Our time in Europe has been a fantastic experience and has taught us more than we ever will know but it is time to get back to our family.
What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month:
Homegoods, Ross, Pier 1, Marshalls, Pottery Barn, Crate and Barrel, Tuesday Morning, Estate Sales, repeat.
Homegoods, Ross, Pier 1, Marshalls, Pottery Barn, Crate and Barrel, Tuesday Morning, Estate Sales, repeat.
Homegoods, Ross, Pier 1, Marshalls, Pottery Barn, Crate and Barrel, Tuesday Morning, Estate Sales...
I have been deprived of good shopping for 3 years... 3 years without the thrill of a bargain.
Shopping is on!
What Else is New:
Nothing yet, but surely something will be new by next weekend with all that shopping I have planned!
What's going on the grill in June:
Husband is celebrating a birthday two weeks after we make our move back to Texas. If you know him well, you know he is the master of the BBQ. You asked what is going on the grill? I'll ask this, what's not going on the grill?! Ribs, chicken, salmon, brisket (hint hint!), pineapple, kabobs, steak, burgers, you know, regular Texas BBQ!
Husband's Bavarian Birthday here
Husband's Hourly Presents here
Today all the fun has been part of the monthy, What's Up Wednesday link up party! See you in June!

Happy Bergfest Day,